General information

Duty to provide information pursuant to WAG 2018

General information
& duty to inform according to WAG 2018

Jaindl-Invest GmbH

Liebenauer Hauptstr. 2-6
8041 Graz
Fax: +43 316 810841

Opening hours 

MO-DO 10:00am - 12:00pm and 2:00pm - 5:00pm
FR 10:00am - 12:00pm
and by appointment
Please send orders after 12:00pm on Fridays directly to the respective custodian.

Jaindl-Invest GmbH is a state-licensed investment services company
pursuant to Section 4 (1) WAG 2018 with the scope of investment advice (Section 3 (2) 1 WAG 2018), acceptance and transmission of orders (Section 3 (2) 1 WAG 2018). The WPDLU does not hold a license for asset management and is not allowed to hold client funds. This ensures that the WPLDU cannot become a debtor of the customer at any time. The WPDLU is not a member of an investment compensation scheme. The WPLDU has a financial loss liability insurance policy with AGCS (Allianz Global Corporate Specialty SE, London) for the protection of the clients. The requirement of having two managing directors pursuant to Article 5 para. 1 no. 12 Banking Act and the main professional requirement of managing directors pursuant to Article 5 para. 1 no. 13 Banking Act are not to be fulfilled by investment service providers

Jaindl-Invest GmbH is subject to the supervision of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) 

FMA Austrian Financial Market Authority Otto-Wagner-Platz 5 1090 Vienna (+43-1) 249 59 - 0

Business license

Commercial investment consulting with authorization to broker life and accident insurance in the form of insurance brokers and consultants in insurance matters pursuant to § 94 Z. 75 GewO 1994

Link: Chamber of Commerce 


You can communicate with us personally but also in writing by e-mail or fax at the above addresses and submit orders.


You can communicate with us in the following languages:

Bank details

Bank: Erste Sparkasse (formerly Bankhaus Krentschker)
IBAN: AT17 2081 5208 0072 2025

Commercial register number: FN 285445 y
Commercial register court: Regional Court for ZRS Graz

Best Execution Policy

The execution policy of Jaindl-Invest GmbH regulates the principles of forwarding client orders. The aim is to achieve the best possible result for the customer in the execution of the order. The term "consistent" is understood to mean
the best possible result in the sense of a longer-term average consideration. We have chosen BNP Paribas S.A. Austria Branch for the forwarding of stock and fund orders and Capital Bank - GRAWE Gruppe AG for the forwarding of fund orders.

We have selected both companies for the best possible execution of customer orders
according to the following criteria:

  • Speed
  • Software solutions for the customer and for the consultant
  • low cost
  • Order execution probability
  • Trading hours

Products selection

Jaindl-Invest GmbH forwards the orders of the customers to the respective product partners according to clear standardized processes. If Jaindl-Invest GmbH is not available for the order forwarding of the customers, the company has to inform the customer about it. In such a case, the customer can send the order directly to his respective custodian bank. Almost all funds tradable in Austria are available for subscription via Schelhammer Capital Bank AG.

Furthermore, the bank is characterized by low custody fees (currently EUR 33, - excl. VAT). Due to the low costs, Jaindl-Invest GmbH can also grant the customer agion discounts on his fund orders. All shares, which are primarily brokered by Jaindl-Invest GmbH (NYSE and NASDAQ), are tradable via the BNP Paribas S.A. Branch Office Austria. Fees are in line with the market and orders can be placed until 21:55 on the respective business day. If a customer wishes to place an order after 5:00 p.m. (business hours of Jaindl-Invest GmbH), he can do so directly via his securities account. CapitalBank AG provides the customer with online access via "CIS", through which the customer can track and check his securities account and his transactions at any time.

At the same time, we also refer to the BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft and Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft.


Jaindl-Invest GmbH receives the following services/commissions from Schelhammer Capital Bank AG: 

  • Issue surcharge of 0-6 % of the invested capital 
  • Portfolio follow-up commission / management fee of 0.05 - 1.25 % of the invested capital (annually) 
  • Bonus = only for guarantee products

The amount of commissions and premiums depend on the product (equity funds, bond funds, money market funds, mixed funds, etc.). Jaindl-Invest GmbH points out that in case of instructions from the client, the execution policy may not be adhered to and the best possible result for the client may not be guaranteed as a result.

Jaindl-Invest GmbH receives from BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft the following services/commissions:

After deduction of the own charges of BAWAG P.S.K.. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft, Jaindl-Invest GmbH receives the difference to the 1% fee paid by the customer for purchases and sales. Furthermore, the company also receives portfolio follow-up commission on the account management fees paid by the customer in the amount of up to 0.5% per annum.

Dealing with conflicts of interest

Possible conflict of interest: The legal entity makes a profit or avoids a financial loss at the expense of the client 

Jaindl-Invest GmbH commits itself not to trade shares that are traded by customers. Thus a possible running ahead or running against with the customer can be excluded. Should a same share be traded nevertheless, the customer is to be expressly pointed out to this circumstance.

Possible conflict of interest: Agio of funds, Financial incentives. 

In Jaindl-Invest GmbH all customers get agion discounts of up to 40%. This is standardized in the customer contract. The selection of investment products is not based on the amount of the premium or other financial incentives, but on relevant factors such as:

  • Sharp ratio 
  • Jensen's alpha
  • Volatility
  • Max. Loss
  • External ratings 

Possible conflict of interest: Jaindl-Invest GmbH receives benefits that go beyond the usual commissions. 

The Jaindl-Invest GmbH mediates predominantly only products, which contain usual market costs, i.e. agios. These costs and additional costs are always communicated to the customer in writing before a possible purchase. Should Jaindl-Invest GmbH nevertheless receive an additional incentive through a higher commission, this is to be communicated to the customer. However, this must not be to the detriment of the customer or the quality of the product. Possible conflict of interest: frequent purchase and sale of funds Purchases and sales of funds/shares are only carried out according to macroeconomic factors. If market conditions require it, our clients have the possibility to sell their funds in the short term, in order to possibly buy them in a few weeks or months with much more favorable premiums than usual.
A frequent change of funds to the advantage of Jaindl-Invest GmbH (for commission reasons) could represent a possible conflict of interest. However, this is not possible from the outset at the request of the company, since the customer himself must decide when and how often he wants to make purchases and sales.

Possible conflict of interest: frequent purchase and sale of shares 

Purchases and sales of shares can only be carried out at the request of the customer. Thus a possible churning is excluded, since Jaindl-Invest GmbH cannot and may not carry out any actions itself. Our recommendations are based on the fundamental as well as the chart-technical development of the individual security.

Possible conflict of interest: preferential treatment of customers 

Jaindl-Invest GmbH has standardized the process of order forwarding and undertakes to process the respective order of the customer continuously according to the time of receipt and to forward it to the respective custodian bank immediately after its verification.

Possible conflict of interest: commission interest in certain products

Jaindl-Invest GmbH has only one contract with Schelhammer Capital Bank AG - GRAWE Gruppe AG in the area of funds. The commission levels are clearly standardized here and there are no excess or low commissions with certain fund companies. In the case of the contract with BNP Paribas S.A. Branch Austria (easybank), the amount of the client's costs and the commission to Jaindl-Invest GmbH
is independent of the chosen equity investment.

Possible conflict of interest: higher commissions for equity funds vs. bond funds

In general, it should be noted that the higher the premium of a product, the higher the commission to Jaindl-Invest GmbH. This is the case, for example, with equity funds, which generally have higher premiums than bond funds. Here, however, Jaindl-Invest GmbH must
take care of the principle of risk diversification, the customer profile of the customer and the respective market situations.

Risk disclosure

Information on our products and their risks

Jaindl-Invest GmbH brokers all investment funds, guarantee products, participations, certificates and individual shares that can be subscribed in Austria, primarily on the NYSE and Nasdaq.

The company was founded in 1999 and has been licensed as an investment services company since 2003.

Link: General risks relating to financial instruments PDF: Risks 

Link: Risks and explanation of certificates PDF: Certificates

personal consultation

Please get in touch with us:

How to find us

Liebenauer Hauptstraße 2-6
8020 Graz

Phone: +43 676 4631338 (calls are recorded)
Fax: +43 316 810841


Opening hours:
MO-DO 10:00 - 12 :00and 14:00 - 17:00h
FR 10:00 - 12:00h
and by appointment
Orders after 12:00h on Fridays
please send directly to the respective depository bank

How to find us

Liebenauer Hauptstraße 2-6
8020 Graz

Phone: +43 676 6372904
Fax: +43 316 810841


Opening hours:
MO-DO 10:00 - 12 :00and 14:00 - 17:00h
FR 10:00 - 12:00h
and by appointment
Orders after 12:00h on Fridays
please send directly to the respective depository bank

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